Pay by invoice? Always!
Government bodies, such as (higher) schools, research centres, and hospitals can always pay us by invoice. Are you a company that we have not previously done business with? In that case, we might ask you to pay the proforma invoice first before we proceed with delivering the items.
Placing an order via a Purchase Order (PO)
You can send your purchase order to: Our sales department will process your request as soon as possible, and you will usually receive confirmation that we have received and processed your order on the same day.
Placing an order via written agreement (e-mail)
Does your organisation not work with purchase orders, or do you need the items quickly and there's no time to send a purchase order? In this case, you can also give us a written order for the purchase. Please ensure that your order confirmation contains the following information so that we can create the invoice correctly:
- Shipping details (including VAT number if the invoice can be issued with 0%);
- Invoice details;
- E-mailadres where the invoice can be sent (preferably directly to the finance department if possible);
- Reference which can be put on the invoice for the correct processing of your invoice.
Do you have any questions?
Do you have any questions about this ordering process? Don't hesitate and get in touch with us. You can do this by sending a e-mail to: or calling: +31 85 065 6144.
Unbound XR Financial Details
Companies House number: 74112406
VAT number: NL 859776761B01
Bank account number: NL25INGB0007638708
For International payments: ING Bank N.V. Foreign Operations PO Box 1800 1000 BV Amsterdam BIC: INGBNL2A