360-degree Cameras

Filming in 360 degrees and in VR seems to be becoming more mainstream. Where this was a fun "gimmick" a few years ago, it now truly enhances the experience. 360-degree videos can be played on a VR headset or simply on your mobile phone. By turning your head or your phone around, you can look around and sometimes discover entirely new perspectives. Think, for example, of a virtual tour of a new office building: by filming it in 360 degrees, you suddenly get an interactive feeling while watching the video, as you can see the new spaces from all angles.

What is the difference between a 360 graden-, 3D- and VR-video?

Since VR is still relatively new, there appears to be some confusion among some people between 360 degrees and VR. These are two different concepts that are often mistaken for each other. Therefore, we provide a brief explanation of these terms below.

  • 360-degree video: a 360-degree video is a video in which you can look around 360 degrees. This is generally not interactive, as you have a "flat" image in front of your eyes. In a standard 360-degree video, you also do not see depth on the screen.
  • 3D video: a 3D video is recorded with a special camera. Here, filming is done from different points, giving the screen more depth.
  • VR video: a VR video usually refers to a fully simulated environment. Think, for example, of an animated film. This can potentially be combined with a 360-degree video, so you, as a viewer, are literally inside the animation.
  • 360-degree and VR video: a 360-degree 3D video is most common in the virtual reality world. In a 360-degree 3D video, you record the video with a special 360/3D camera. With this, you film a 360-degree video allowing you to look around, as well as film directly in 3D-effect, enabling you to see depth. These types of videos are especially seen when you make a video where someone is talking to you. The 3D-effect makes it feel more like the person is physically standing in front of you.

What is the best all-round 360-degree camera?

The newly released Insta360 One X2 is currently the most versatile 360-degree camera. Due to its relatively low purchase price, user-friendly interface, and high image resolution, the Insta360 One X2 is the perfect choice for anyone looking to start filming in 360 degrees. The camera has two 5.7K 360 graden-lenzen, 4 built-in microphones for 360-degree sound, and is waterproof up to 10 metres. Additionally, the camera features built-in FlowState-stabilitie, which automatically stabilises images - even when walking or cycling.

What is the best 360-degree / 3D camera?

Vuze Plus is a professional 360-degree camera specifically aimed at shooting 360-degree and VR footage. Besides multiple lenses, the camera also has multiple microphones, allowing audio to be recorded spatially and move with the viewer. The Vuze Plus can record images in both 2D and 3D/VR quality. Therefore, if you want to create 360-degree videos specifically for viewing in a VR headset, the Vuze Plus is a good choice.

What is the best 360-degree camera for consumers?

Insta360 One R is a modular camera. You can easily replace the lenses so you always have the right lens for what you want to shoot! The Twin Edition consists of a 4K lens-module and a 360-graden lens module. The Insta360 One R resembles a GoPro: a handy small camera that you can easily take with you anywhere. Due to its easy-to-use software, built-in stabiliser, and small housing, the Insta360 One R Twin Edition is the best camera for consumers who want to get serious about 360-degree video.

What is the best 360-degree camera for professionals?

Insta360 keeps appearing on this list. And that's not surprising because they make very good cameras for every target audience. The Insta360 Pro 2 and Insta360 Titan are 360/VR cameras for professionals. This is reflected in the price, but you also immediately notice it in the bouw- and image quality of the cameras. When you hold the Insta360 Pro 2 / Titan for the first time, you immediately realise that it is not an ordinary camera. The size of a football and the weight of several kilos mean these cameras are not something to play around with. But due to the exceptionally high image quality, these cameras are suitable for recording in high quality. So, are you planning to make a professional VR-video? Then the Insta360 Pro 2 and the Insta360 Titan are for you.

Want to know more about 360-degree cameras? We are happy to help!

For more information, contact our VR specialists. We are happy to assist in making the right choice for a 360-degree or VR camera! Want to know more about this topic?

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