Unbound Company Accounts
With a Company Account at Unbound, you as a manager can easily manage and monitor multiple users within your organisation. This type of account is ideal for businesses where multiple employees make purchases. You gain insight into purchases and quotation requests, can set up one email address for invoices, and centrally manage the use of the account. Create a Company Account for central control over your team's orders.
When should you request a Company Account? Apply for a Company Account when you are responsible for employees making purchases at Unbound, or when you as a financial manager need insight into all orders at Unbound. With a Company Account, you can set roles and assign specific rights to employees.
How do you apply for a Company Account?
You can apply for a Company Account in two ways:
1. By email: Send an email to sales@unboundxr.eu. and state who should be the manager of the account, including the employees who fall under this manager. By default, the manager has all rights. You can indicate: whether employees may or may not place orders; whether employees can view all orders under the account or only their own orders.
2. Online: Apply for a Company Account via the website and set up the account yourself. Go to: Customer Account Login. Log in with your existing details or first create a standard account. After logging in, you will see the option "Company Account" in the left menu. If this option is missing, check whether you are on the B2B site (/b2b/), or contact sales@unboundxr.eu.
Click on the link "Company Account" and then on the button "Create." Fill in the form and click on "Confirm." Your request is now being processed. Upon approval (usually within a few hours), you will receive a confirmation email.

After approval
Log in to gain access to the new features in the menu under "Company Account":
• Users
• Roles
• Orders
Setting Roles Start by creating roles. Click on the button to create a new role and assign rights on four levels:
• Company Account – who can view and manage the main account.
• Users – who can view, add, modify and remove users.
• Roles – who can change roles.
• Orders – who can place orders and view the orders of others.
Click on "Confirm" to save the role settings.
Adding Users
Under "Users", you can add employees to the account. Keep in mind that only new users can be added. For existing accounts, Unbound can set this up for you; in this case, send the email addresses of the employees who should fall under the Company Account.

Managing Orders
Under "Orders", you will find an overview of all orders placed by employees since they were added to the Company Account. Note: previous orders and quotes are not visible here.
invoice email address Under "Orders", you can also set the invoice email address. All invoices from orders placed through this account will be sent to this email address. Make sure this address is correct.
Do you have any questions? Feel free to contact us at sales@unboundxr.eu.